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Tye Bowser

I’m Tye, here to help you with the many aspects of training that you can’t get hold of yet. I specialize in: muscle building, weight loss, cardiovascular training and overall helping you become confident on the inside and stand out on the outside.

I became a personal trainer to show people the beauty of training and how reaching your goals is the most important way of life.

I will also offer you nutritional advice, helping you reach where you want to be faster than expected. Whether its weight loss or muscle gaining, I’m here to help!

My social media is @tyetrains on Instagram and TikTok, where I post my fitness and motivation videos.

If you want to reach that goal, I’m here to help. Get in touch and get started!

Specialist Areas

  • Body confidence
  • Body fat reduction
  • Muscle tone and development
  • Nutritional guidance
  • Persistent motivation
  • Strength and conditioning
  • Weight loss


Level 2 Gym Instructor

Level 3 Personal Trainer