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Matt Holley

You maybe don't care too much
about me and it could be fair to say you
probably care more about…
What I could do for you, How I can help you & Will
working with me be worth your time, money and effort?
I believe it will, but to make that happen, I think you
need to believe it too.

So here’s what I think I know about you and the
problems you might have

  • You experience a lack of consistency, because you have an
    approach which is rigid, demotivating and doesn’t fit the
    lifestyle you would like
  • You could believe you have an issue with motivation. When
    really you just don’t want do the things you dislike or value.
  • You believe that you need the perfect approach, when really
    you need an approach that's perfect for you.

In my experience I don’t think people lack confidence, I think they
haven’t found a way of creating it & I’ve also learnt that most
people don’t have a problem staying committed, it’s usually their
approach and methods which create future difficulty to stay on plan
Which is why….
The approach I will offer you is a full coaching experience, so that I
can help you create the relationship you would like with your
training & your nutrition, so that you can keep the things you love in
your life, whilst getting the results you want.

My background is rooted in Strength Training & Bodybuilding,
where I’ve been fortunate to learn from experts, athletes and other
coaches when I began competing.
After years of self doubt and delaying, I became a PT because I’ve
seen how much impact people can create in their own lives by
transforming the quality of their thoughts, body and lifestyle.
If you’re interested, we could begin working together in less than 7
days from you reading this, but we can’t make that happen unless I
know you want to know more.
Drop me a message and provide some details and I will contact you!

Specialist Areas

  • Muscle tone and development
  • Sport specific training
  • Strength and conditioning
  • Weight loss


  • Personal Training Level 3
  • Strength & Conditioning Level 4 (2024)
  • Counselling Skills Level 2
  • Counselling Diploma Level 3