Martin Janik
Hello I am Martin, an advanced personal trainer and therapist with over 14 years experience in the health and well- being industry. I specialise in neuro- muscular rebalancing, a unique method that builds the foundation for injury prevention, rehabilitation and postural correction. My approach utilizes specific muscle-tests and neuro- muscular techniques that locate and correct dysfunctional movement patterns stored in the brain which can manifest in the body as discomfort, pain or injury. With this specialized approach we will build a strong foundation allowing you to progress safely and effectively through your fitness journey. Conscious movement synchronized with breath and intention will build a deeper understanding of training and transcend physical activity into a mindful practice.
Specialist Areas
- Body confidence
- Functional specialist
- Injury prevention and rehabilitation
- Weight loss
- Systematic Kinesiology ( Dip. A.S.K)
- Neurokintetic Therapy Level II
- Capoeira Instructor (Mojuba Capoeira London)