Jake Falconbridge
A bit about me...
Please feel free to come and say hello, I’m always happy to help people better themselves and take one step closer to their goals.
I strongly believe you can reach your fitness goal irrespective of age, gender and body shape. My aim is to assist others in reaching their goals and to teach and train them on how to use gym equipment confidently, so they can train efficiently and effectively outside of personal training sessions.
What I can do for you: I can help you achieve and manage your fitness and health goal. Give you the tools and skills to train well and can provide specialist insight into training for strength. I can advise on and incorporate compound elements to challenge your workout style.
I look forward to hearing from you soon. Happy training!
Specialist Areas
- Bespoke plan
- Body confidence
- Muscle tone and development
- Strength and conditioning
- Level 2 Fitness Instructor
- Level 3 Personal Trainer