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This is a progressive programme designed to be completed one week at a time. We recommend that you follow the programme as intended to reduce the risk of injury or illness

week 6 workouts

week 6 strength workout

Are you up for another challenge? This week join Lauren and work on your muscular endurance with her fun accumulator workout. Start with one and add a new exercise on every round until you reach seven. Imagine your week 2 workout, but in reverse!

week 6 cardio workout

Join Tim, Dean and Harley for a cardio workout all about time zones. Take on three rounds of high intensity cardio moves at 30, 40 and 50 second intervals to improve your cardiovascular fitness.

week 6 yoga workout

Flow through a gentle 30-minute yoga session with Rebecca, Josh, and Marina to complete your week of workouts. Explore some new postures and get time to practice some familiar ones from previous weeks.